Heat Shield


In Science my group (Ian and Beck) and I  made a very cool heat shield but we had some problems at first but got a lot better at the end. When we first tested our group wanted to test a steel plate. That completely failed and the hot side was colder than the cool side which means the heat just went right through. We knew we needed a change so we used lasagna, metal lathe and tinfoil for our next text. That did a lot better with the back side only being 20 something degrees Celsius. We learned that lasagna worked so we went with that in our final design.

In the final design, we pretty much kept the same design with one more layer of lasagna. That ended up being a vital mistake. When we wanted to do our final test on the flamethrower we felt pretty confident. We put the shield on the stand and pretty much immediately started the fire. We were already off to a bad start. When we were done our egg had a tragic 4mm of cooking. Even though our egg was cooked we learned a lot and had a great time.


3 thoughts on “Heat Shield

  1. What a great write up, Cayden! You worked really hard and did a great job identifying the mistakes in each design. With habits and focus like that success is a question of when, not if!

    Keep it up Cayden!

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