Heat Shield


In Science my group (Ian and Beck) and I  made a very cool heat shield but we had some problems at first but got a lot better at the end. When we first tested our group wanted to test a steel plate. That completely failed and the hot side was colder than the cool side which means the heat just went right through. We knew we needed a change so we used lasagna, metal lathe and tinfoil for our next text. That did a lot better with the back side only being 20 something degrees Celsius. We learned that lasagna worked so we went with that in our final design.

In the final design, we pretty much kept the same design with one more layer of lasagna. That ended up being a vital mistake. When we wanted to do our final test on the flamethrower we felt pretty confident. We put the shield on the stand and pretty much immediately started the fire. We were already off to a bad start. When we were done our egg had a tragic 4mm of cooking. Even though our egg was cooked we learned a lot and had a great time.


My Ideal World

Welcome to Planet AI. This planet is filled with amazing AI programmed to accommodate people’s needs and some wants. There are robots, drones, and powerful computers. AI will also not be programmed to kill people so Planet AI will be very peaceful with everyone being safe and happy!

In daily life there will be tons of restaurants, malls and amusement parks. People will have a lot of fun with the thrilling rides and amazing different types of food and clothes. On planet AI money is earned by doing regular jobs such as being a chef, being a store worker, those kinds of jobs. The job that gives you the most money is obviously Top Control. They will be paid 10,000 dollars per second while getting VIP service from robots giving you ANYTHING you want on demand. Transportation will be very easy as your robot (more details later) can create a teleport portal and all you have to do is type in where you want to go. 

On planet AI, AI makes human life much easier and safer than on earth. Robots will be programmed to follow people by their request. They can give people food and protect you in case of emergency. The robots do break down eventually after 5 years of work but then people will get a new more advanced prototype which is a big win. The political system here is a bit interesting as everyone from Top Control has the ability to make reprograms to people and other objects. Top Control are the only people who do not have anything related to AI in their bodies. It is only the specific few members who were chosen to lead Planet AI and people can only get into Top Control if they are part of the special Kim family from Earth.

Planet AI varies in location as the planet is powered by rockets making the planet be constantly moving all the time. It is quite big being about twice the size of Earth. In this world there are 5 main biomes. First, there is a huge city on top of the planet called Top Control. This is where all of the AI is being controlled and where the rockets are located. Only specialized personnel are allowed 500 miles within because of the danger of rockets. In the southern part of Planet AI there is an amazing amount of SNOW! This biome is full of life with seabirds, gigantic seals and cute chubby penguins. Also computers wired into peoples brain will program people to not get cold even in the freezing temperatures of negative -550c. In the center there is an amazing biome of grassland. This is the only part of the world that any killing is going on. It is because of hunting delicious animals such as Cows, Pigs and Chickens!  The biggest biome is the city with huge buildings taller than Mount Everest on Earth. There are also many sports arenas with 100,000 thousands of seats and places to shop and fun attractions such as skydiving from the huge towers in the city. The dessert is the most boring one not having much to offer, but at least no one will die from overheating or getting too cold. These are all the amazing things on Planet. Our community is growing everyday with cooler creations.


NC Museum of Natural Sciences Field Trip

On Friday January 27th, we went and had an amazing experience at the NC Museum of Natural Sciences. First, when we were getting there we had a great time by singing 99 Bottles of Beer for half the time. When we got there it was freezing cold outside but I was very excited to have a very amazing experience in the museum.

As soon as we entered the museum we started off with a bang. The first thing we saw were amazing tropical animals such as Tree Boas, cool turtles and other cool animals. Right after we went to this amazing dinosaur exhibit with huge statues. That floor was my favorite part of the whole museum. On the top floor we observed the race exhibit which had really cool information and pictures. We also even had an amazing view of the previously viewed dinosaur exhibit. My second favorite part was the nature research center. There were a lot of cool interactive things there from interactive games to cool 3d printed items. Overall, the trip and experience was amazing. I would love to go again!